26 Aug 2013

Pesci strani

Aunque no queda mucho de verano, que no quería que faltara una imagen refrescante como ilustración de bienvenida en la web.
Al ser el miembro más joven de la banda y el que menos confía en sus habilidades,  Pesci se siente inferior a sus compañeros. Le obsesiona no estar a su altura incluso en sus ratos de  relax. Mientras practica la pesca submarina le acosan unos peces muy raros, pero extrañamente familiares. ¿Será su imaginación? ¿Habrá sido todo un sueño?

There's no much summer left, but I didn't want to miss the chance of sharing a refreshing picture as top imagen in my site.
Being the youngest member in the gang and not precisely very self-confident, Pesci feels inferior to his teammates. The idea of not being as good as a killer as the rest of them, obssesses him even while he's trying to relax. He was doing some underwater fishing when he was attacked by some bizarre fishes. Was he imagining things, was it a dream?


WP said...

oh my god, this pic is adorable and hilarious. i'm laughing so much at the fishes, they're perfect. poor pesci being bitten by that vicious aniki fish :'( careful that it doesn't release some sort of aging poison or something. i also love how the formaggio fish is cute and tiny <3

WP said...

oh my god, this pic is adorable and hilarious. i'm laughing so much at the fishes, their designs r great. poor pesci being bitten by that vicious aniki fish :'( careful that it doesn't release some sort of aging poison or something. i also love how the formaggio fish is cute and tiny <3

D.Maula said...

Thank you for your nice comment. I always have fun drawing Pesci. I Really like him.
I read comments before approving them to be published as a way to avoid spam and unrelated stuff. That's why they aren't immediately visible. Sorry for taking some time in publishing your words.