28 Jun 2011

Hai caldo?

El verano ha entrado pisando fuerte, con una  ola de calor. ¡Estos días estamos superando los 40º!
Cuando sudo tanto me acuerdo de Ghiaccio. No me atrevería a pedirle que refrescara el ambiente porque eso podría ser letal, pero sí que envidio su stand. Dentro de White Album la temperatura es siempre perfecta; haga frío o calor en el exterior.

Hoy lo he dibujado gastando una broma a Melone...No creo que este se lo tome muy bien...

Summer starts hard, bringing a heat wave. Last days we're having more than 40ºC (104º F)!!
When it's so hot, I can't stop thinking in Ghiaccio. I'd never dare to ask him to make the weather cooler, because it would be letal, but in days like these, I wish I had his stand. Inside White Album the temperature is always perfect, never mind if it the weather is nice or horrible outside.

I've drawn him playing a bad joke on Melone...I'm sure he won't have a lovely reaction...

EDIT: 拍手ありがとうございます!!

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